Good Habits To Foster Productivity In Your Team


As a leader, you want your business to grow significantly by fostering productivity of your team. However, you also want to create balance so they can have their freedom to with their workloads. And it is not something so easy to come up with. You need to find the right method to create the perfect balance that can be beneficial for everyone. 

Encourage your team to have these good habits

What you can do as a leader is to encourage your team to adopt good habits that can help them find that balance. Of course, it is also necessary for you to lead by example so your employees put you as a good role model. And here are several good habits you can encourage your team to foster their productivity, focus, and freedom in balance manner:


Encourage your team to self-learn so they can become more independent. Also, self-learning can help promote good and healthy relationship between the team. Encourage your team to go to the other team members first before coming to you when they face a problem. This way, they can reflect back on what they could do to get their work done. Let your employees figure out their problem on their own for self-learning. This helps them become more productive and focused. You may give them guidance from time to time when necessary.


Encourage your team to adopt mindfulness in their daily work. It helps inspire better decision making while fostering productivity. Sometimes, making the fastest response or quick solution is not always the best option because it may result in poor outcomes due to lack of mindfulness and calculation. Hence, encourage your team to take their time and not react too emotionally whenever stressful situations come. When they stay mindful, they have clear mind and less pressure, making them able to find the best solution accordingly. 


Encourage your team to learn how to prioritize because it can also help them finding the perfect balance with their work. It is also beneficial to make them more productive because they don’t waste time doing something that won’t make significant result at the end of the day. Let them learn how to recognize and adjust their priorities. It helps them focus on things that truly matters. They will learn how to identify the structure and work more efficiently. 

Disconnect any disruption

Encourage your team to disconnect any disruption that potentially disrupt their focus at work such as turning off the phone at work. Replying a message can waste the time significantly, making them unable to to focus on their work because the messages may flood in instead. The urge to keep replying will be stronger each time they glance at their blinking phone. The less disruption, the more work they can do because they focus on things that matter at the time. You should lead by example in this matter by practicing the same habit at work. Together, you and your team will be able to work faster, more efficiently, and with fewer errors.