Planning Effective Crisis Communication Strategies


The most recent global pandemic known as Covid-19 has taught us so many valuable things. This situation is considered crisis and can affect your business in so many ways. Hence, it is a must that you establish plan for effective crisis communication strategies. Crisis can come in various forms. Generally, crisis refers to unexpected even threatening public safety, your business’s finance, as well as your business’s reputation. 

How to establish crisis communication strategies

Different types of crisis include natural, financial, personnel, organizational, and technological. Your business may face one or several crisis. Hence, it is vital to establish plans that allow you and your internal and external stakeholders to communicate effectively during crisis. Here are several important things to do it seamlessly:

Create crisis communication plan and team

It is vital to draft your own unique crisis communication plan including the plan that outlines the goals, key audiences, crisis management team, and how to communicate with the public. The plan aims to prevent for the crisis from hurting your company again. Make sure to customize your plan according to your business’s characteristics and needs. Also, it is essential that you form a crisis management team consisted of members who will work together to analyze the situation and identify possible solution. They will also the one who are going to communicate with the audience. 

Prioritize your customers

When making crisis communication plan, you need to put your customers on top of the priorities. When the unexpected happen in a form of crisis, it is not only your internal stakeholders that are going to be affected but your customers too. During a crisis, negative emotions are easily spread. It is easy for customers to write negative comment on review sites if your company makes mistakes in dealing with the situation. Hence, try foster a supportive and collaborative communication climate through your social media platforms and website. 

Communicate with the public accurately

When it comes to communication with the public, speed is vital. However, you should not sacrifice the accuracy. Inaccurate information can lead you to make mistake and you may end up in bigger problems, causing a stir in your audience. Find accurate information from reliable sources and provide updates regularly to reduce unnecessary anxiety. 

Consider using multiple channels to communicate

During a crisis, it is best that you use multiple channels to communicate with your audience. You can communicate via email, text, phone calls, voicemail, website, and social media channels. Make sure to not only update information online but also via traditional channels such as voicemail message, or putting a sign on your store’s door. 

Evaluate post-crisis and follow up communication plan

It is important that you conduct evaluation post-crisis to see how your company handled it. Evaluating the performance of your company you will get to learn more for better prepare for the future just in case you face another crisis. Then, you may have to do some reputation repairs followed by planning a follow-up communication strategies. Then, provide updates on social media about your business’s recovery.